I hope the break up season is officially over and that everyone's in love again. Falling in love is some tough shit. It comes as a package with heartbreaks and disappointments, so if you're not prepared for all those, just do yourself a favour and stay away from being in a relationship. I am currently single, again, and that's perfectly fine. Being single gives you the opportunity to learn how to be independent and to grow as a person before the next special one comes into your life.
It's that special period of time in your life where you get to do all the crazy YOLO shit and get away with it, you don't have anyone to answer to, but yourself. There aren’t any expectations to meet, but your own. If there's something you've always wanted to try but never had the time or opportunity to, because you were so busy being in a relationship, now's the chance to go for it! Get on a plane and go on a solo trip! I've never done it but I have friends who have experienced it, and they always go on about how rewarding the experience is.
Being out of love isn't a bad thing at all. In fact, we shouldn't depend on a guy (or a girl, if you're a guy reading this) to make us happy. At the of the day, we still have our friends, family and even pets with us, and they love us just as much as a companion would.
Life really isn't as tough as we think. To be very honest, I was going through some dark times late last year. Some of the choices I made weren't exactly the best, and hell they didn't benefit me in any way. But that didn't cross my mind at that point of time because I thought life had no meaning and that there was no point in trying anymore. If you ever find yourself at such a cross road, simply take a step back and analyse why you're facing such a situation. It could be because of the people you're hanging out with, the environment, or it could even be due to the type of music you're listening to. Your thoughts attract whatever's coming into your life. So if you want to be carefree and happy, just tune your mind to think of optimistic stuffs instead.
I know it's easier said than done, but I've proven to myself that it works. I was so down, I thought I needed professional help; in fact I almost got one. Thankfully time allowed me to view the world in a different perspective, and I was able to alter the way I thought and felt in time. I'm 22, back on track and I am super excited for this New Year.